属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 桃色总理的从政之路还有多长?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-财政乘数 责任该到哪里为止?
1 | 争夺每一寸土地 | contest every inch of the ground | |
2 | ||1:具有讽刺意味的是,去年十一月,马里奥蒙蒂带领下的由真正的政治旁观者组成的技术官僚政府上台,这极大的损害了贝卢斯科尼的形象。||2:这位总理是一个经济学专家,与他相比,贝卢斯科尼怎么看都像是罗马的权利掮客专家。||3:19年前,贝卢斯科尼因对意大利政治阶层不再抱有幻想开始了新的生涯,但是也是这一原因发挥作用让蒙蒂一直受到欢迎。 | ||1:Ironically, the arrival in office last November of a technocratic government of authentic outsiders headed by Mario Monti has been lethal to Mr Berlusconi’s image.||2:Compared with the prime minister, an economics professor, Mr Berlusconi looks every inch the professional Roman power-broker.||3:And the very disenchantment with Italy’s political class that helped launch Mr Berlusconi into a new career 19 years ago is now working to sustain Mr Monti’s popularity. | |
3 | 从外表上看,他的花呢外套和海象式胡子无不表明他是一位达官贵人。 | He looked every inch a patrician figure, with his tweed suits and walrus moustache. | |
4 | ‘可是除了我的胳臂,我浑身上下都酸痛得好像我跟一大队小鬼打过仗似的。’ | But leaving out my arm, every inch of me is as sore as if I had been fighting with a legion of imps! ’’ | |
5 | ‘现在ATF正在慢慢搜查这个州里那两座最大黑人教堂的各个角落。 | ’Right now, ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state. ’ | |
6 | “这就是你自己”你写道,“每天我都远离自己真实的灵魂方向成长,每一尺向着成年的方向都是背叛。” | Each day that passes I grow away from my true self. Every inch I take towards adulthood is a betrayal. | |
7 | 爱惜你的每一寸发肤。 | Love every inch of your body. | |
8 | 保罗穿着牛仔裤,带着个音乐商店手提袋,像个十足的普通人。 | Paul was in jeans and carrying a music store carrier bag, every inch the fifty quid everyman. | |
9 | 从地板到天花板,装饰得非常细致,有各种画作、青铜裸体雕塑和(法国)第二帝国时期的家具。 | Every inch , from floor to ceiling, is decorated in Beaux-Arts paintings, bronze nudes, and Second Empire furniture. | |
10 | 从挪威到好望角,从曼谷到海参威,他或走或骑,足迹遍布征程。 | He went from Norway to the Cape of Good Hope and from Bangkok to Vladivostok, wheeling or walking every inch of the way. | |
11 | 但是由于谷歌地图工具是如此的复杂以至于它不可能勾画出地球的每一个角落。 | But as sophisticated as Google’s mapping tools are, there is a recognition that it cannot possibly map every inch of the Earth. | |
12 | 当寒冷和潮湿浸透你身体的每一寸肌肤时又怎能睡好。 | You don’t get much sleep when the cold and wet are invading every inch of your body. | |
13 | 到了夜晚,这个教堂大楼便满是人,地板的每一英寸的地方都睡着人,他们所有的人却只有六个厕所公用。 | At night the building bursts with people sleeping on every inch of floor; all must share just six lavatories. | |
14 | 而且这样做的一种方法就是让被接种的人吸入充分研磨成粉的疫苗使其能在肺内无处不在。 | And one way to do so would be to have the person being vaccinated inhale a finely powdered vaccine that coated every inch of his lungs. | |
15 | 她母亲赶忙向她解释,浑身上下都透露出笑意来。 | Her mother hastened to explain, smiles breaking from every inch of her person. | |
16 | 她身上几乎每一寸肌肤都被遮盖住,好像她对光线敏感一样。 | Just about every inch of her skin was covered as if she were photosensitive. | |
17 | 靠近自由的每一英尺似乎都被设计得让我们感到最大程度的沮丧。 | Every inch toward freedom seemed designed to cause us maximum frustration. | |
18 | 肯杜的土地像一片灌木丛生的热带草原,只不过每一寸植被都是亲手栽种而成。 | Kindo’s land had the scrubby look of savanna, yet every inch of it was cultivated. | |
19 | 每件事都是这样。你的作息时间改变了,你的整个生活都变了。每英寸都和以前不同。 | Depp: Everything. The way you sleep changes. Your whole life is changed. Every inch of it is different. | |
20 | 如今,两年多以后,布雷克似乎完全变成了一位家装零售商,而非传统的通用电气高管。 | Now, more than two years later, Mr Blake seems every inch the home improvement retailer, rather than the traditional corporate GE executive. | |
21 | 纹身布满了他露在亮橘色囚服外的每寸皮肤上。 | he was tattooed over every inch of his skin that was visible beyond the bright orange prison uniform. | |
22 | 我常常想,“我怎能还没看尽这世上的一草一木就匆匆离开呢?” | I used to think, ’How can I die without seeing every inch of this world? ’ | |
23 | 要珍惜生活给予我们的每一点赐予。 | We must cherish every bit of life’s bestow and treasure every inch of time. | |
24 | 有时候,我想冲进雨中,任大雨淋透全身每一寸肌肤。 | Sometimes, I want to burst into rain, the big rain every inch of skin permeability body. | |
25 | 在性交过程中把握你的时间,让她充分感受你阴茎的每一寸。 | Take your time with intercourse and allow her to fully feel every inch of you that she’s stretched around. | |
26 | 在这个带城墙的城市里,每英寸土地都充满生气和活力。 | Every inch of the walled city hums with life and activity. |